OMG! When can I read more?
The next full-length novel, Snyper: Bitter & Fierce, is currently in progress, as is another interstitial novella. Ideally, the plan is to release a stand-alone novella periodically while I’m working on the sequels.
How many books will there be?
I’ve outlined Phil’s main story arc over a seven-book series. I’ll qualify that with “at least.” And that’s not counting any of the novellas.
Will you release a print edition?
Autographed and personalized copies are available here at It’s currently available as a trade paperback. Plans are in the works for a special collector hardcover edition.
Where did you get the idea for the book?
I’d been re-reading “The Living Daylights,” the James Bond short story by Ian Fleming, which is basically the first five minutes of the movie if you’ve seen it. I liked the gritty narrative choice of being behind the scope and in his head while, let’s face it, he’s waiting to kill someone. That’s fine for Bond, but what if you were in the shooter’s head and cheering the “bad guy” for something like the JFK assassination? And what if he wasn’t the bad guy at all? The Twilight Zone would have just pulled back at the end to reveal a time travel “history fixer” or, I don’t know, cherub wings because it’s Cupid… That was the aha! moment. Mind you, that was over 20 years ago, but even when I was dusting off the idea, I realized that all the Cupid stories I’d ever seen were cutesy and romantic, so going gritty and dark seemed more intriguing.
How long did it take you to write?
Four years, almost to the day. I learned later that most first novels take around 3-5 years, so that’s really about average. Like with many things, there’s a bit of a learning curve as you develop your skill set. And words-on-paper is just one small part of a much bigger process, especially when you’re independent and have to perform many of the tasks a traditional publisher would normally handle.
What’s the hardest part about writing?
It’s the writing. The adage “butt in chair, hands on keyboard” really is true. Some days I feel like I need to shackle myself to my desk like Ben Hur or I won’t get anything done.
Who’s the easiest character to write? The hardest?
Ashley is the easiest and the most fun, probably because she’s so bubbly and prone to fangirling out. Aunt Minnie (Athena) is perhaps the toughest; she’s extremely random but at the same time, all her crazy technobabble does have to make some sense.
How much of Phil is “you”?
Not as much as some people might imagine. As a writer, you’re always tapping into what (and who) you know, and into different aspects of yourself and others. Phil and I are both colorblind, which I ended up incorporating into his character because it affects how he describes things. In some ways, though, I’m more like a shy version of Ashley.
What word processor/software do you use?
After years of using Word like everyone else, I tried Open Office for a while, then ultimately settled on Atlantis. It’s Windows-based but cheap (about $35/user) and has a great e-book export function. Best of all, you can configure it to make old-school typewriter sounds as you’re writing.
Hi. You don’t know me, but can you read/critique my manuscript?
Harmsway Press is not currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts for publication. I can, however, provide professional proofreading and editing services for completed independent manuscripts on a case-by-case basis. If you’re at those last steps where you’re cleaning up your manuscript ahead of submission or self-publishing, please use the Contact form with details about the project (genre, word count, etc.) and we can work out a competitive fee schedule.
If you’re still in the process of writing, I strongly suggest joining a local writers group for feedback and other minor critiques. Self-publishing comes with a lot of self-doubt, and that outside perspective and experience can be invaluable.